Monday, March 09, 2009

Dial Daily Bread: Ten Great Truths No. 9

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread,"

Ten Great Truths That Make God's Last Days Message Unique

NUMBER NINE: "The only element that God's people need in order to prepare for translation at the second coming of Jesus is FAITH."

But that faith is a heart appreciation of the length, and depth, and breadth, and height of the agape of Christ as revealed in His sacrifice on the cross. It is a heart appreciation that the death of Christ was not merely a sleep for a weekend (which would be wonderful if you have endured the physical horror of crucifixion--remember? they broke the legs of the two thieves crucified with Jesus, so as to hasten their death or at lest prevent their escape). No, the death that Jesus died was our "second death," the tunnel that has no light at the end of it.

Those who believe in the pagan-papal doctrine of natural immortality cannot believe that Jesus died on that cross; automatically they are up against a blank wall that prevents them from appreciating what the Lord Jesus accomplished for our salvation by His dying our second death.

Genuine faith is a heart-appreciation of the grand dimensions of the agape of Christ; genuine faith stretches our little hearts outsize; it is personal contact with the same divine Son of God who suffered on that cross.

Such faith is "the power of God unto salvation" (Rom. 1:16). It brings with it a heart-repentance that produces a hatred of sin itself; it is the beginning of a new, eternal life of righteousness, here and now.

Be sure to check your e-mail for "Dial Daily Bread" again tomorrow.