When I was 12 years old, I did some serious thinking (it's a critical time for anyone, as it was for Jesus at that age).
My father was Lutheran, but there being no Lutheran church in our little town, we became Presbyterians. There in Sunday School the teacher asked us kids to memorize the 10 commandments; I was dutiful, so I did; I was struck that they say "the seventh day" but I could see on the calendar how Sunday is the first day of the week. I asked her, but she said it must be okay, for everyone is keeping Sunday.
Then someone informed me: it's because of the Roman Catholic Church!
I remember, I made my decision immediately: we must keep the Bible Sabbath! (I have never regretted that decision, nor turned back on it.)
In our public high school, the principal asked me to study up on English and English Literature and enter the State-wide Academic Contests. I was the only Sabbath-keeping boy in my public high school. After several conflicts over Sabbath-keeping (which I won), I finally was given first place in the State; which gave me access to two scholarships to universities--Stetson and Gainesville.
But I wanted to learn to be a missionary!
So I turned down flat the scholarships and went to a little junior college in he hills of Tennessee, so I could learn to be a missionary. That entailed my working at as many as 24 jobs altogether, in order to work my way through Christian college to final graduation.
From the beginning of my Sabbath-keeping experience, I have met opposition that made my path more difficult as a teenage boy; but I am thankful that the Lord permitted me to endure the hardships and set-backs that came my way.
To anyone I say, Don't hesitate to endure whatever hardships the Lord permits you to experience as you follow the Lord Jesus.
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