I have a friend who needs a job so he can make enough money to live on. I know nothing of his past; I just know that he is praying to find a job so he can earn money to live on--not get rich, just l-i-v-e.
He is not alone in today's economic world.
And his fear of want and hunger may well become far more common in future, than it is now among us.
I am not a multi-billionaire, and if I were one, I would not know how to use the money.
But I know that the Lord Jesus IS a multi-billionaire; but He is far too wise to dish out money recklessly; He loves people too much to do that.
There may be some reading this mini-message who themselves can remember times when they were actually hungry, for want of necessary money; especially students who have tried to work their way through missionary college education. This writer was privileged to minister some years in East Africa where many aspiring students long to find a way to work their way through missionary college.
The word of the Lord is always hope-inspiring. For example, "I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. They looked unto Him and were lightened [the heavy burden was lifted!]. ... This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles."
And it's not just that "poor man" [who was David]; "the angel of the Lord encampeth round about [all] them that fear Him, and delivereth them." (Psalm 34:6, 7).
May this mini-message bring hope to many troubled hearts!
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