Monday, June 15, 2009

Dial Daily Bread: The Crucifixion--Why?

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread,"

Our most loved Bible text says, "God so loved the world ..." (John 3:16).

(a) Then it goes on to say that He did something about His love! He is not a secret lover!

(b) What He did was to GIVE His only Son for the people whom He loved--the inhabitants of this lost planet.

(c) He did not merely offer to give Him IF we lost people did something first.

(d) No, the Father GAVE Him outright--not to go to sleep for a weekend; but to die our SECOND death--the everlasting one.

(e) "But," you say, "it was only for a weekend; then He resurrected Him."

(f) Crucifixion does not kill people outright; victims could survive for days or longer, in constant torture; it was the most horrible death ever invented by man.

(g) But that does not mean that the Father merely lent Him to us for a weekend; when Jesus was hanging on the cross, He cried out in soul anguish, "My God, why have You forsaken Me?"

(h) Those were not crocodile tears, not something spicy to add to the story; no; the Father truly FORSOOK His Son.

(i) Turned His back on Him; cast Him out of heaven--cast Him into hell.

(j) Why?

(k) The only possible answer: because the Father loved us.

(l) He also loved His only Son; but when the Father GAVE Him for us, what does that tell us about His love for us?

(m) You please answer that question!

Be sure to check your e-mail for "Dial Daily Bread" again tomorrow.