The same Creator LORD who created us humans, created the birds.
But He subsidized them in a way peculiar to them--He designed their bones to be hollow, thus lightening the weight that they have to carry in their flight.
(a) This is an illustration of the goodness and the kindness of the Lord as our Creator.
(b) But He expressed His goodness and kindness in another way: He gave the birds complete liberty to fly anywhere they want to fly.
(c) Some birds choose to fly from the Northern Hemisphere to the Southern, and back.
(d) Just watch the birds in your local sky flying where they wish; then thank the dear LORD for the freedom He has given you to "fly," or rather to go, wherever you wish.
(e) The LORD gave you your "mind." But since sin entered into our world, our natural mind is a "carnal mind," which is "at enmity against God," for it is "not subject unto the law of God, neither indeed can be" (Romans 8:7).
(f) But because He loves us so, the Lord appeals to us to give Him our "mind."
(g) "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus," pleads our brother Paul (Philippians 2:5).
(h) The meaning seems to be, "Let this life-purpose be in you ... " Yes, be consecrated to the Lord who consecrated Himself even to the second death, so He could save you.
(i) But what does it mean to "believe in Jesus"? It means to yield to Him our worldly mind; you do that on your knees before Him.
(j) It means to give to Him your will; to thank Him for the freedom He gave you by creation and by redemption, and then yielding back to Him that same freedom that He gave to you.
(k) Then, at last, you are free!
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