Friday, August 31, 2007

Dial Daily Bread

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread":

Jesus told us, “Do not be worried about the food and drink you need in order to stay alive, or about clothes for your body. ... Do not start worrying, ‘Where will my food come from or my drink? Or my clothes?’ (These are the things the pagans are always concerned about).” (Matt. 6:25-32, GNB).

Our modern malls are the temples where “the pagans” come to worship; more and more architects are designing them to resemble great houses of worship. And even for many who say they worship the Lord, the true God, the malls are the places to go in order to while away the hours, fun to be “concerned” about. The malls feed our robust modern economy, which in spite of the daily horrors of war has never before reached the heights of the Dow Jones and Nasdaq readings.

But the culture is basically pagan!

Then Jesus adds (in the KJV), “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness ...” (vs. 33). It’s probably for centuries that “we” Christians have understood that to mean, Make sure of your own soul’s salvation in the kingdom of God! (I can remember as a child hearing the elders tell me that the most important question for me is my own salvation.)

But is this egocentric concern what Jesus meant? When He spoke of “the kingdom of God,” could He have been referring to the issues of the great cosmic controversy between Christ and Satan? Is it possible that mall-centered Christians can “henceforth be no more children, ... but ... may grow up into Him in all things” and learn to share with Christ the burden of heart which He carries?

Yes! Jesus appeals especially to those who have at least some awareness that we are living in “the time of the [world’s] end” (Dan. 12:4) and of the great “Day of Atonement.” He begged Peter, James, and John to stay awake and “watch with [Him] one hour” while the fate of the world (and of the universe) was in the balance (cf. Matt. 26:40). But no, they slept soundly through that most solemn hour!

Hasn’t the time come for us to “overcome” even as Christ did, and take our position with Him on His throne, to share with Him the state affairs of “the kingdom of God” (read Rev. 3:20)? Let no one despise the unprecedented invitation that is pertinent for us today!

Be sure to check your e-mail for "Dial Daily Bread" again tomorrow.


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