Thursday, August 09, 2007

Dial Daily Bread

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread":

The world is stunned by the tragic news of a 13 year old girl getting her legs cut off on a “thrill ride” at a carnival. Kids flock in droves to these “Superman Towers of Power,” a ride that lifts them 177 feet straight up and then drops them at 54 miles an hour; they love the “wham” feeling it gives them (incidentally, those carnivals which appear to be a harmless atmosphere are not healthful for youth who are serious about following Jesus Christ).

These thrill rides manufactured in Switzerland have been ridden by millions in many lands; but this time a cable broke, and the teenage girl is left to suffer for life.

Joseph in the Old Testament suffered the original painful “thrill ride” when the Lord “lifted [him] up and cast [him] down” (see Psalm 102:10, KJV). The “lifting up” came with the gift of the spirit of prophecy when the Lord gave him those two wonderful dreams of future vindication: his brothers would bow down to him and even his father (see Gen. 37:5-11).

The “cast him down” came when they all turned against him; the ten brothers “hated him yet the more” because he had been given this gift of prophecy, and even his father “rebuked him.” Joseph’s teenage world was shattered, even worse than that of this 13 year old girl in Kentucky.

And then his ten brothers sold him as a common slave into the darkness of Egypt. Joseph cried his eyes out that night. For teenage Joseph, this was “whom the LORD loves He chastens” at the most painful point imaginable; a teenage boy may be shattered when the girl he loves rejects him, but this was an even more painful rejection—the ten brothers and his father were his precious, beloved “true church” of the day!

Did the heavenly Father still love and respect him? In that answer you find the comfort and encouragement your heart yearns for.

Be sure to check your e-mail for "Dial Daily Bread" again tomorrow.


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