Friday, August 24, 2007

Dial Daily Bread

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread":

The latest issue of TIME has a cover article on “How We Get Addicted,” confessing that all of us without exception will get addicted to something if we are allured or tempted enough; we would say, we all could become addicts if we did not have a mighty Savior to save us from it. “Humans ... will always want to experiment with things to make them feel good.”

Addiction: “Has a specific definition: you are unable to stop when you want to, despite [being] aware of the adverse consequences. It permeates your life; you spend more and more time satisfying [your cravings].”

Addiction: “Is a chronic and relapsing brain disease characterized by uncontrollable drug-seeking behavior and use. It persists even with the knowledge of negative health and social consequences.” Addiction will sacrifice heaven for the craving!

TIME rejoices in the hope that new brain physiology and technology will provide a cure. The egocentric motivation of the Old Covenant is powerless to deliver from an addiction. The article is full of the popular fear or hope-of-reward motivations; in principle, they are no different than the treats the animal trainer gives his pets.

The “light” that is yet to “lighten the earth with glory” will break through the present clouds and reveal the love of Christ at His cross as the true motivation for delivering any addict from anything, liquor or drugs. But most Christian churches believe in the pagan-papal doctrine of natural immortality; automatically, they are prevented from being able to comprehend the dimensions of the love that moved Christ to die the world’s second death. Hence, addictions win the day.

Be sure to check your e-mail for "Dial Daily Bread" again tomorrow.


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