Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Dial Daily Bread: Only One Thing That We MUST Do

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread,"

This may shock you, but it is true: as you read the New Testament, there is only one thing that we are told we MUST do: and that is "believe." It's clear in John 3:7-16, and in Heb. 11:6, as well as Acts 16:30, 31. And the New Testament does not teach the heresy of what is known as "only-believism," that is, that a mental assent and confession is all that is necessary--without obedience. Romans 10:10 says that "with the heart [we] believe unto righteousness." And if you believe with the heart, there is certainly a change in the life that leads you to obey all of God's commandments.

Put all those texts together and let them speak, and it becomes clear that the Bible meaning of the word "believe" is quite different from the usual idea held by Roman Catholic and Protestant evangelicals. To "believe" is not an exercise of selfishness, like buying a lottery ticket. Every such purchase is an exercise in selfishness, a hope to win a bonanza. But Bible faith is not centered in winning something, even if it is a heavenly fortune instead of an earthly jackpot. Bible faith is a heart-appreciation of the love of the Father in giving His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth should not perish, but have everlasting life. According to Jesus, this is the one thing you MUST do.

But someone says, hey, wait a minute--doesn't He say, "If you love me, keep My commandments" (John 14:15)? Yes, but please notice: the motive is love, not fear, or hope of reward! And Jesus prefaces that remark with this: "believe ... in Me" (vs. 1). He is talking about receiving the atonement, the reconciliation (Rom. 5:9, 10). Paul pleads with us, "Be ye reconciled to God" (2 Cor. 5:20). Why, and how? The next verse answers: because Christ was "made to be sin for us, who knew no sin."

Let your little heart contemplate what happened on that cross; then as David says, your heart will be "enlarged" (Psalm 119:32). In such faith is everlasting life. And the message about it today is the third angel's message in verity.

From the "Dial Daily Bread" Archive: October 28, 1997.
Copyright © 2010 by Robert J. Wieland.

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