We can linger long on the fascinating story of the nobleman in John 4, who begs Jesus to "come down" from Cana to Capernaum (some 16 miles walk) and heal his dying son. Jesus struggles to help the man learn what it means to "believe" something more important than wonders and miracles. Then, in desperation, the worried man begs Him, "Sir, come down ere my son die" (vss. 46-50).
But Jesus doesn't go. Apparently appears indifferent. Then He speaks a word to him--I am sure He must have looked the man in the eye: "Go. You go on 'down' home; your son is healed." He spoke no "if's"--no if you will believe, etc. He simply said, It's done. The man could have walked home those 16 miles in agony of soul, anxious to learn if it might be true. John says that "the man believed the word that Jesus had spoken to him." Then he walked home leisurely, even spending the night somewhere on the way, happy because he believed what the Son of God said. Included in that faith was his confidence that the Son of God loved him and wanted the best for him.
Would the boy have been healed if he had not believed?
Here's some sincere soul praying earnestly that God will help him win the lottery. Maybe even with tears. If he "truly believes" as we say glibly, will he win? Just believing what anybody says, or what the devil says, won't save you; what's important is believing what Jesus says. And what He says is what your Bible says.
Someone very dear had an experience that re-duplicates that of the nobleman at Cana. She had prayed earnestly, almost desperately for something important (I didn't know what was going on). But nothing happened. She told me that finally she made a choice to believe that the Great Physician loved her and heard her prayer and had already answered in His love. And she took the courageous step to thank Him in advance. Then came her rejoicing as she later "realized" the answer when she needed it the most.
From the "Dial Daily Bread" Archive: February 1, 2004.
Copyright © 2010 by Robert J. Wieland.
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