Thursday, March 04, 2010

Dial Daily Bread: A Writer with "Heavenly Credentials"

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread,"

If you were carefully observant, you noticed at the end of yesterday's mini-message a little signature, "EJW." We had taken that one in toto from E. J. Waggoner,* a writer of over a century ago, who was especially gifted by the Lord with deep insights into how good the Good News is. One very observant and responsible church leader described him as having "heavenly credentials."

We introduce him to our readers for several reasons. He broke through the fog of centuries to re-discover Gospel truths that have been contended and misunderstood. For example, he bridged the chasm between Calvinism and Arminianism: Calvinism had said that God has "elected" some to be saved, and consigned others to be lost. They called this "Unconditional Election." Arminianism strongly opposed this idea, affirming that Christ died for everybody; but His sacrifice is ineffective, accomplishes nothing for the sinner unless he believes.

Waggoner's breakthrough idea affirmed that Christ has "predestined" "all men" to be saved, and contrary to the Arminian idea, His sacrifice is effectual for "all." Christ has actually done something for the whole of humanity: He has GIVEN humanity salvation "in Himself," and if the sinner does not resist and reject and despise, disbelieve, and "sell" what Christ has actually GIVEN him, he will be saved.

Further, Waggoner had the idea that Calvinism needed correction in saying that those whom the Lord has predestined to be saved cannot be lost. In dying for the human race Christ has given each person freedom of choice. And many choose to reject what He has given them, as Esau did long ago (Gen. 25:33, 34).

Waggoner also discovered in the Bible a clear understanding of the difference between the Old and the New Covenants--insights that would be a great blessing to all if they could be considered.

Waggoner also rediscovered the New Testament idea of how close Christ in His incarnation has come to the human race, how He "took" on His sinless nature our sinful nature, that He might not save us IN sin but that He might save us now FROM sin. It was "most precious" truth that has within it the power to prepare a people for the coming of Christ.

As we come nearer to the second coming of Jesus, the Gospel will be seen as better Good News than it has been seen to be in the past. If you would like to read a sampling of Waggoner's writings, please visit:

* "Cry for Help," The Present Truth, June 19, 1902.

From the "Dial Daily Bread" Archive: April 9, 2004.
Copyright © 2010 by Robert J. Wieland.

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