Thursday, September 04, 2008

Dial Daily Bread

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread":

It’s an enormous cataclysm of humanity that has taken place over the
past 26 years. It amounts to the greatest spiritual earthquake since
the sixteenth century, when the Protestant Reformation swept through
Europe and dominated the beginnings of the American Revolution. The
Founding Forefathers of this nation vowed to establish here a
government without a king, and to have a church without a pope. George
strongly opposed any infiltration of the papacy in the
affairs of the new nation. The only Roman Catholic president ever
elected bent over backwards in his insistence not to mix his religion
with his political leadership of the nation; he was heart-dedicated to
the American Constitutional principle of religious liberty and
separation of church and state. He vowed not to let his church
influence his political leadership.

The current outpouring of national adoration for John Paul II has been
phenomenal. The once Protestant nation has become overwhelmingly Roman
Catholic in public sentiment. It can be safely said that never has any
nation in history so reversed itself within one generation. A world

Meanwhile, beyond all excitement and glitter of pomp and wealth, the
words of the Bible quietly speak to those who reverence its message.
Never has the book of Revelation spoken more eloquently than now. Now
note the next cataclysmic event to absorb world attention: the message
of that “other angel” of 18:1-4 that must and will “lighten the earth
with glory.”

Be sure to check your e-mail for "Dial Daily Bread" again tomorrow.