Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Dial Daily Bread

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread":

A late Newsweek discloses interesting news: Some Roman Catholics and other Christians are choosing to fast (pre-Lent) during the 30 days of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. Their idea: “[1] soothe tensions, ... [2] express political solidarity with Muslims, [3] increase awareness of global hunger, [4] as a spiritual discipline, or [5] to strengthen interfaith friendship.”


Ramadan “fasting” is to abstain from food, drink, or pleasures, “from sunup to sundown.” After sundown, presumably, partake freely.


There is a minority of Christian people who see deep significance in the Biblical teaching of the great antitypical Day of Atonement which began in 1844 at the end of Daniel’s prophecy of the 2300 years (Dan. 8:14). They believe that life now is a constant “fast.” On the ancient Levitical typical “day of atonement” believers were commanded to “fast” on that one “tenth day of the seventh month.”


A “fast” appropriate for living in the cosmic Day of Atonement cannot be total abstinence from food or drink, of course; rather, it’s reasonable self-denial in day by day, life-long living in “awareness of global hunger,” and in “spiritual discipline” as Christ disciplined Himself. And of course, to live the happy life of Christlike love to “strengthen interfaith friendship.”


It’s a spiritual “fast” that makes the church “be the body of Christ” in a corporate sense, aware of something meaningful to live for: proclaiming a message that will so arrest attention worldwide that it can truthfully be said to “lighten the earth with glory” (Rev. 18:1-4).


A part of that “fast” is to practice control of appetite to the point where we eat to live rather than live to eat. Most of all, it is fellowship with and sympathy for the personal Christ who must feel the world’s pain, who is now busily engaged 24/7 in preparing a people worldwide to be ready to meet Himself personally at His imminent second coming.

Be sure to check your e-mail for "Dial Daily Bread" again tomorrow.


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