Sunday, October 08, 2006

Dial Daily Bread

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread":

Is Jesus Christ embarrassed by the apparent success of evolution? Vast numbers who in former generations were reverent, who stood in awe of the God of the Bible, whose hearts were moved by the story of Jesus, who reverenced the message of the Bible, today despise it because they have embraced the message of the scientists who say that their evidence proves that a six-days creation of the world has been rendered impossible.


Jesus Christ spoke of Genesis as a true book which He accepted as valid. Multitudes in “Christendom” used to gather in great church buildings to worship and listen to reverent sermons. Now—has “science” embarrassed Jesus? Was He naive? Did He deprive Himself of the confidence of thinking people? If you and I are thoughtful people, what shall we believe?


Although there is a vast amount of literature upholding evolution, remember that there is also a considerable literature which maintains that the teaching of a divine creation in six days (as Genesis says) is more reasonable scientifically than is evolution. But arguments back and forth do little good.


The scene of conflict has shifted: the new battleground is love—not the superficial, egocentric love-emotion that humanity knows naturally; the issue is agape. It’s the towering truth of “Christ and Him crucified” as the coming focal point of world attention. The God of creation and redemption has implanted in human hearts a longing for truth and right (cf. Gen. 3:15); He knows well how to capture the attention of the humanity He has created (and redeemed). Psalm 67, for example, declares the world witness that God intended ancient Israel to bear: “God ... cause His face to shine upon us, that Your way may be known, ... Your salvation among all nations. ... All the ends of the earth shall fear [reverence] Him” (vss. 1, 2, 7).


The truth of agape is a great field of “science” in itself; the world awaits the revelation of the career of the “little horn” of Daniel, how this world power has counterfeited the cross of the Son of God, tried to nullify agape, made the world into a vast, fallen “Babylon.” But truth is coming out boldly.


Those whose hearts are moved, “constrained,” by the agape of Christ will never be embarrassed.

Be sure to check your e-mail for "Dial Daily Bread" again tomorrow.


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