Friday, July 14, 2006

Dial Daily Bread

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread":

The big front-page news in our little community is the loss of a valuable Arabian horse that lost its footing on the canyon trail and went down over 200 feet into the canyon floor of the American River. An advancing rattlesnake on the path spooked the animal.


A great king in his mature years was “spooked” by some living pornography, and went over the cliff. It should have frightened him backwards as all pornography should frighten us into retreating hastily, but King David was curious, went for it instead, and over the cliff he went.


We can argue all day whether Bathsheba was a temptress; let’s spare our energies. One thing seems clear: when the king invited the lady whose husband was away on the front fighting his nation’s battles, she was ready to respond. She ended up being the winner, becoming queen; the king never got out of the canyon floor.


Oh yes, the dear Lord forgave him his sin; but although he had been invited to be one of the contributing writers of the Bible (he had already authored Psalms 23, 40, and a host of other masterpieces), David came within a millimeter of losing his soul for eternity. “Have mercy upon me,” he cries piteously; “do not cast me away, ... and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me” (vss. 1, 11).


What we often call “forgiveness” is only pardon, but David was mature enough to sense how useless mere pardon can be. He was beyond being scared for his own soul’s salvation; whether or not he got to heaven was on the back burner of his concern; he had crucified the Lord Himself.


He was in the category of those people who were concerned for Christ in His earthly ministry, and now David could anticipate the motivation that will fuel the 144,000 who end up “following the Lamb wherever He goes” (Rev. 14:4, 5). The Bible probes deeply into that shift of motivation.


Don’t think you can never grow up. Ephesians 4 must be fulfilled some time when people “grow up in all things” “to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ” (13, 15); why not now? It’s not just saving our poor little selves; the issue is bigger than that.

Be sure to check your e-mail for "Dial Daily Bread" again tomorrow.


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