Friday, July 14, 2006

Dial Daily Bread

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread":

Both sides in the Middle East crisis claim that God gave them the land. Religion fuels this hatred.


The Israelis (and vast numbers of Protestant Americans who support them politically) believe that God’s promises for the restoration of “Israel” apply to them politically and militarily. For example, they trust in hope like this: “Great shall be the peace of your children ... You shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear, and from terror, for it shall not come near you” (Isa. 54:13, 14). They attribute their brilliant military victories to God’s fulfillment of such Bible promises, His divine appointment (but if it were not for American support, what could happen to them?).


World sympathy for the Jews because of the horrors of the Holocaust led to the establishment of Israel as a state in 1948. But the Israelis have not succeeded in winning the sympathy and love of their geographical neighbors. They have never been “far from ... terror” for it has “come near” them in many forms—the constant threat of rockets for example now, as well as suicide bombings. You can’t go to a café without fear, or even stay home with rockets flying. How could the Israelis acquire confidence in the future “peace of [their] children”? Either (a) win the love of their Muslim neighbors, or (b) see their neighbors annihilated.


Statesmen on both sides are weary of the constant conflict.


And we who must watch dread opening the newspaper or turning on the news. We too are weary, ... of violence spread before our eyes.


Oh Jesus, please be crowned soon as “King of kings and Lord of lords”! (Rev. 19:16). But when we read the context, that crowning can come only after the “marriage of the Lamb, ... and His wife has made herself ready” (vss. 7, 8). What is our duty?

Be sure to check your e-mail for "Dial Daily Bread" again tomorrow.


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