Friday, June 10, 2005

Dial Daily Bread

<x-tad-bigger>Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread":

The media report that Saddam Hussein is “down in the dumps,” wishing
he could die rather than face his coming judgment in Iraq for “500
crimes narrowed down to 12 for which he will be prosecuted.” Indeed,
no lifetime of punishment could be long enough to compensate for his
alleged crimes against humanity.

And now USA TODAY has its lead article about one Adam Morales, 33, who
blew his last parole from solitary in Gatesville, Texas, and now faces
a new sentence of 35 years more. He’ll be 68 when he gets out again.
He is one of 30,625 inmates in US prisons in solitary. However bad
these people are, they are still human beings; we cannot say that
Jesus Christ feels no human/divine compassion for them. He sees and
feels when a little bird falls on the forest floor (Matt. 10:20).
Morales’ age of 33 is interesting--that’s when a human being’s
sensitivities are the most developed and keen, and when pain, whether
physical or spiritual, is the most deeply felt. That’s the age when
the Son of God, “‘Immanuel,’ which is translated ‘God with us,’” “who
knew no sin” was “made to be sin for us” and suffered the “curse of
God” and cried in awful agony, “My God, why have You forsaken Me?”
(Matt. 1:23; 2 Cor. 5:21; Deut. 21:23). He is the only Man who has
ever suffered so painfully as that!

“Solitary” is terrible to endure, but if the inmates could know and
understand how good the gospel Good News is, their decades of
loneliness would be assuaged by the fellowship of Christ in His
sufferings. Even Morales’ 35 more years would be a short time to
endure compared with the eternal life that is ours “in Christ.” Though
the Good News is often corrupted by “Babylon,” God has promised that a
fourth “angel” (Rev. 18) will yet “lighten the earth with glory” as
the full, complete, pure “everlasting gospel” in its Good News clarity
is proclaimed--even to the solitarys, to the victims of rape and
murder, to those who suffer in Darfur, Cambodia, and in every hell on
earth. Lord, send that message soon!

Be sure to check your e-mail for "Dial Daily Bread" again tomorrow.


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