Saturday, June 04, 2005

Dial Daily Bread

<x-tad-bigger>Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread":

Shall we tell the children that it’s “fun” to follow Jesus? Are
children too young to be able to understand His cross? Must we leave
the atonement until they reach well, at least, their teen years? And
when we have teens in our Bible classes, are they still too young to
understand what it cost the Son of God to save the world? And what
He’s doing today as our great High Priest?

These questions come to a head as we plan Vacation Bible School (VBS).
For a few precious days we have some children who may have varying
degrees of interest in what “Bible” means; “vacation” means
something--it’s fun time. Professionally done CD’s can supply the
“Bible” part of VBS. Will they save the “teacher” the time-consuming,
energy-draining task of earnest prayer for the Holy Spirit? (Telling
“Jesus” to children requires even more such prayer than the pastor
preaching the Sabbath sermon.) But will the children be lastingly
impressed by the professionally done CD’s?

You love the children; thank the Lord. But He loves them too--and that
could shake us up. Let’s give a good read to Jeremiah 23: the Lord is
fed up with “prophets” that “speak a vision of their own heart, and
not out of the mouth of the Lord” (vs. 16), “I have not sent these
prophets, yet they ran” (vs. 21). “They cause My people to err . . .
by their lightness” (vs. 32). Meaning?

To follow Jesus is a thousand times more fun than to follow Satan, IF
“fun” is rightly understood; but let’s not fail to show Christ’s cross
to the kids. You’d be surprised how well they grasp a lesson indited
by the Holy Spirit. This may be the only chance they’ll ever have to
come in contact with Him.

Be sure to check your e-mail for "Dial Daily Bread" again tomorrow.


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