Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Dial Daily Bread

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread":

A recent issue of TIME magazine reports that the Roman Catholic Church is re-thinking the idea of “limbo” which for centuries has been thought to be the fate of babies that die without being “baptized.” It’s not hell, the Church thought (thank God!), nor can it be heaven where they “see God,” they thought (cf. Matt. 5:8). It’s some place in between where innocent babies nevertheless can be happy forever, so the Catholic scholars have thought.


I have always been interested for I was told that before I was born I had a baby sister, Margaret Delight, die at 6 weeks, unsprinkled. The bereavement must have deeply wounded my mother for the baby was her firstborn; two boys coming later could never have taken that place in her heart. Then my dear mother had to die when I was two, before she had had the opportunity to learn what Paul calls “the truth of the gospel” as I have been privileged to learn about it (cf. Gal. 2:5, 14). I have been told that my mother had to carry heavy burdens since her alcoholic lawyer-father left the financial support of the family to her teenage care.


Since I have known that whatever He is, God is “love” (agape). I have wondered what He can do with Margaret Delight in the day of the first resurrection (1 Thess. 4:16, 17; John 5:28, 29). I don’t think “limbo” would be good enough for my baby sister since I have learned that the Lord Jesus Christ died for her as He died for everybody, and that in so doing He gave her the gift of salvation “in Himself.” When my dear mother arises in that first resurrection (by the much more abounding grace of Christ), I can foresee an angel bringing that little girl into her arms for Jesus had promised her that He will give her “the desire of [her] heart.” She must have known about that promise (do you? Read it in Psalm 37:4).


The Bible is clear that 1000 years will follow that first resurrection (Rev. 20:6) in which many things that never were learned in this life will be—including Bible School lessons and classes. Wouldn’t it be great if I could be privileged by the abounding grace of the Savior to help teach my baby sister? And what a thrill if my dear mother could be in my class, too?


It’s interesting that the Roman Catholic Church is re-thinking this problem of “limbo.” The Good News of the Gospel is better good news than we have all thought it can be!

Be sure to check your e-mail for "Dial Daily Bread" again tomorrow.


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