Dear Friends of “Dial Daily Bread,”
It's shocking, but it's true: our heavenly Father wants us to be rich—not only spiritually, but financially! While it's true that He is especially kind and merciful to poor people, and the famous poor widow who cast in her two mites into the temple treasury is eternally blessed (Luke 21:1-4), the Bible actually says that God wants His people to be materially rich. But wait a moment, let's read what the Lord says, in context:
"God is able to give you more than you need ... [He] will always make you rich enough to be generous at all times, so that many will thank God for your gifts" (2 Cor. 9:8, 11, Good News Bible).
He blessed King Solomon with enormous worldly wealth so long as the king was willing to use it wisely (1 Kings 3:9, 12, 13). The key is our readiness to lay aside our natural-born love of self. Jesus was poor in this world's wealth; He had nothing but His clothing as His wealth when He was crucified. Therefore, every poor person in the world can hold his head high in self-respect; God honors him for He has adopted him into His "family in heaven and earth" (Eph. 3:15; 1:5, 6).
But Paul's idea is that God would be honored and pleased if we could grow up "to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ," out of our childish love of self, so He could trust us with money (cf. 4:13, 14). But let's not waste time yearning to be rich, thinking we are strong and wise enough to use wealth in an unselfish way; we are probably like Peter when he promised he would never deny his Lord (Luke 22:31-34, 57-60).
May the love of Christ move us now to let self be "crucified with Christ" (Gal. 2:20) so we share what we do have. And then trust the Lord to give us of His grace to "grow up" in due time, when He can entrust us with more.
--Robert J. Wieland
From the "Dial Daily Bread" Archive: November 27, 2005.
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