Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread,"
There's a little Book deep inside the New Testament that is mightily neglected--Hebrews. You almost never hear a sermon about it. Yet it is precious because it opens a door into heaven so we can actually see what Jesus is doing now. The fact is, He's too busy working to take a vacation. He has workto do, night and day, constantly. He must stay at His job seven days a week because His great enemy is like "a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour" (1 Peter 5:8, 9). Satan has lost his temper in his "wrath" against Christ and His people (Rev. 12:12). Jesus must fight! The better we understand what's going on behind the scenes, the less we'll feel like "goofing off." ("Retirement" becomes an obsolete word.)
The almost forgotten Book of Hebrews details the work Jesus is doing in His "office" (yes, that's a valid word to describe His position, and we're free to walk in by faith):
(1) He is sending a special contingent of angels to try to "hold" back horrible war that will sweep tens of thousands into death and inflame millions into angry passions that will make comprehension of the gospel difficult (see Rev. 7:1-4). "Winds" are about to blow now!
(2) While the "nations [are] angry" Jesus opens His "temple of God in heaven" so we can see what's happening (Rev. 11:15-19). And here is where the Book of Hebrews comes on stage: it describes His special present-day job more clearly than any other Book in the Bible.
(3) He is described as our "High Priest," working as our Pastor, Counselor, Psychologist/Psychiatrist who is the Great Physician of sick and troubled hearts and minds. Don't kid yourself--you need Him! That ministry is for you personally as if you were the only "patient" He has on earth.
His goal? To prepare you for His second coming (Heb. 9:28). Big job! If we don't "resist" Him, He'll do it. And He knows how to do it.
--Robert J. Wieland
From the "Dial Daily Bread" Archive: September 28, 2002.
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