Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread,"
The apostle Peter coined a phrase that catches our interest in each succeeding generation of earth's history: "the present truth" (2 Peter 1:12). We begin to think of that neglected side of the history of Jesus--His "marriage." It's the "wedding" of all time, and even of all eternity. The Son of God takes a Bride! It seems that that grand denouement of history is "the present truth."
Weddings are festive occasions in all cultures and in all times; this Wedding causes all Heaven and the universe itself to break into singing. There are four grand Hallelujah choruses of joy unsurpassed and music never heard in all eternity.
"The Lamb" is the Son of God, the "Word" who was "in the beginning," who "was with God," who "was God," the Creator in whom "was life; and the life was the light of men," the One who "became flesh and dwelt among us" (John 1:1-4, 14). He is the Prince of Heaven, and He is also our King of kings and Lord of lords. He is getting married!
He is the Great Protagonist in the "war in heaven" in which the battlefield was transferred to this earth. The struggle is with "the great dragon," who was at one time Lucifer and is now "that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world." "The marriage of the Lamb" comes simultaneous with the Lamb's final victory over Satan (Rev. 12:7-10; 19:1-9). The "Lamb's wife" is in the middle of the excitement.
As any bride complements her husband, so "the Lamb's wife" has a role in this great final celebration. It can't take place until she "makes herself ready"! All around the world it seems that Christian people are being drawn to ponder the current cosmic crisis of why and how the Bride-to-be has delayed her getting ready. Heaven is Concerned!
--Robert J. Wieland
From the "Dial Daily Bread" Archive: July 6, 2002.
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