Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread,"
When "great multitudes" were following Jesus, He turned around and let them know He wasn't interested in big crowds. "If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple" (Luke 14:25, 26). Hard language; what could He mean? Does He want to make it as difficult as possible for us to be His disciple? Sounds that way!
A "man" cannot follow Him unless he "hates his wife"! Or girlfriend! Or fiancée! Common sense makes clear what He means: your wife or girlfriend comes second. Yes, and all your family. The Lord Jesus comes first.
Then He went on to advise His would-be followers: Don't start building a house until you have enough to finish it. And if you're a king, don't start a war unless you know you can win it. And don't tell the world that you're My disciple unless you "forsake all that [you] have" (vss. 28-33). In other words, don't be a Laodicean lukewarm adherent; bail out completely, or else make a commitment appropriate to My taking up My cross to save you. He is right. Makes sense! He is into this for serious business. And so must we be.
To idolize any person is to break the first commandment. Adam idolized his beautiful, charming wife, Eve; he made her Number One, and led us all into sinful idolatry. Today's Laodicean idolatry makes Jesus sick at His stomach (Rev. 3:14-18), even if church membership rolls soar. Why is He so jealous of anyone who is our "idol"?
The honest truth is that He has given Himself to hell, has died our second death, has emptied Himself of His last breath--for us, to save us from utter ruin. It makes Him sick inside when we join the "great multitudes" who flock after Him while they trivialize their devotion to Him. Any honest, loving husband will be jealous if his wife is having an affair.
This hypocrisy has been going on for a long time, ever since Luke 14; it permeates Christ's last days' church. Does it make sense that He at last puts His foot down and demands that we choose one side or the other, totally?
Yes, look soon for the strangest judgment ever seen on this planet since sin began. The crowds of Luke 14 never dreamed that in a few weeks they would be propelled into demanding His crucifixion. Silently as the thief coming at midnight, the final test will overtake us. We will determine who is Number One in our hearts. We could fool ourselves that we're getting heaven on earth, and end up finding it's hell.
--Robert J. Wieland
From the "Dial Daily Bread" Archive: July 3, 2004.
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