Thursday, June 07, 2012

One of the Most "Good News" Chapters in the Bible

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread,"

Psalm 139 is one of the most "Good News" chapters in the Bible! It tells you that the infinite Lord and Creator took a direct, personal interest in your formation when you were an embryo in your mother's womb. The Septuagint (that is, the Greek translation of the Old Testament that Christ and the apostles used) renders the message of Psalm 139, "all men shall be written in Thy Book." That Book contains your page! The Infinite Father took a personal interest in your formation as though you were earth's only inhabitant.

Jesus tells us that the Holy Spirit, in His infinitude, notices when a little sparrow falls in the forest: "Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? And one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father [noticing it]" and caring (Matt. 10:29). "Fear not, therefore." He assures us, "ye are of more value than many sparrows" (vs. 31).

The Father respects you highly; there are things that in particularyou can do that no one else can do as well. The Father actually needs you!

Satan doesn't want us to understand this; he wants us to think of ourselves as mere digits in God's creation; but in fact we are divinely called to be co-workers with the Lord Himself. There is someone on earth who cannot be reached with a living witness of the Gospel except through you; the Lord needs you; He Himself alone cannot function in this case without you.

Oh yes, the Lord can turn the mountains upside down and drain the ocean without needing you to help Him; but those are "easy" things for Him to do! What He can't do is to reach an alienated human heart without your help.

When you tell what the Lord Jesus has done for you personally (if you can tell it in a humble way!), this reaches the alienated heart. This makes the Bible come alive; you can touch that secret, buried spot in someone's heart--and possibly you won't realize at the moment what you have done. But angels will rejoice at the accomplishment.

Hold your head high. Unworthy as you are, you are important in God's plan of salvation for the world. Kneel, and wait before Him; "wait on the Lord, … and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord," says David (Psalm 27:14).

You kneel and you say not a word, maybe in the dark; you have "shut thy door" (Matt. 6:6), and you are shut in with the Lord of heaven and earth, your Creator and Savior. His Son has programmed this intimate appointment just for the two--the Father and you.

You may object--"but there's selfishness and sin in my heart!" Okay, but let Him cleanse it out. He will!

--Robert J. Wieland

From the "Dial Daily Bread" Archive: September 27, 2008.

Copyright © 2012 by "Dial Daily Bread."

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