Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Secret Cause of Depression

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread,"

Far too many people, yes and children, suffer from depression. In their desperate search for relief, they turn to the only remedy they know--drugs. Their relatives and friends urge them to take the only antidepressants that they think medical science can offer.

What is the secret cause of depression? One of Christ’s disciples specializes in it--John. His gospel, his three letters, and his book of Revelation, plumb the depths and disclose the buried roots of depression. A drug may provide what appears to be relief, but a spiritual lobotomy is not what anyone wants. John says there is a universal primeval “darkness” of soul that afflicts “every man that cometh into the world” until “the light of men” “shineth in darkness” (John 1:4-9). Christ is “that true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.” He gave Himself to “every man” and in so doing, He “lighteth every man.” In that Light if it is believed, depression cannot exist. Therefore, the cause of depression is something that has shadowed that Light, obstructed it, closed the windows of the soul against it.

In chapter 3:16, John tells us what is the fear that has shut out the Light: it’s the fear of “perishing.” Not the fear of just going to sleep, but the fear of being abandoned alone in a vast dark, utterly lonely universe that is hell. It’s precisely what afflicted the soul of Christ as He hung on His cross in the darkness--the fear of being “forsaken” by God. He cried out, “Why hast Thou forsaken Me?” We say it reverently: Christ was the most depressed Man who has ever been. But “God so loved the world [that’s the “all men” or “every man” of John 1:9], that He gave His only begotten Son [that’s “the Light, which lighteth every man], that whosoever believeth in Him [that’s receiving Him, appreciating the Light] should not perish [that’s what the depressed person fears], but have everlasting life [that’s the confidence, the assurance, that cures the depression].”

“Babylon” is the massive headquarters of the unbelief that obstructs the Light and leaves human souls in the lethal darkness that the Food and Drug Administration tries to cope with. But today a special message of Good News cries out, “Come out of her, My people, ... that ye receive not of her plagues” (Rev. 18:4). “Babylon” at last “is fallen”! And a clearer conception of Good News has “lighted” the earth than has ever shone in the past.

From the “Dial Daily Bread” Archive: Sept. 16, 2004.Copyright © 2011 by Robert J. Wieland.

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