Sunday, July 18, 2010

Does Satan Use Music to Allure Youth?

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread,"

Is it true that Satan and evil angels use music to allure youth (and older ones) to eternal ruin? Can music be a mind control that captures its victim in slavery, like drug or alcohol addiction? Can the Enemy in the "great controversy between Christ and Satan" enter even into Christian churches and ensnare "Christian" youth through rock music coming from paganism?

Sadly, the answer has to be an unqualified yes. Satan is not music itself, but his rebellion against God finds expression in music. Music can become one of the methods Satan uses to ensnare, a way which the Bible speaks of twice in Ephesians in the Greek word methodeia, the word translated as "cunning craftiness ... to deceive," and as "wiles of the devil" (4:14; 6:11). Such music is a cruel form of enslavement, because its allurement is through what was a precious gift of God, a language of heaven that transcends logic and reason--music. It's a gift of God that gives sheer pleasure.

How does one distinguish between music inspired by the Holy Spirit and that which is inspired by God's enemy, Satan?

The answer is really very simple, but easily misunderstood because the latter involves that "cunning craftiness" or "wiles" of Satan. And it's not correct to assume that "classical" music is automatically heavenly, for evil-minded composers can be "classical." The fundamental problem is Job's in the Bible--distinguishing between God and Satan, who is who. A Christian church should be a place where the distinction is made very clear! Step number one has to be a clear presentation of the Genuine--the agape kind of love that is revealed in the sacrifice of Christ on His cross. Then the devil's counterfeits show up for what they are.

From the "Dial Daily Bread" Archive: May 31, 2002.Copyright © 2010 by Robert J. Wieland.

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