Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dial Daily Bread: Confused About the Old and New Covenants?

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread,"

To be confused between the Old and New Covenants is not necessary. The New is God's one-sided promise to write His holy law on human hearts. The Old, the vain promise of the people at Mt. Sinai to obey perfectly.

The New is, "Believe and live." The Old, "Obey and live."

The New says that salvation is totally by God's grace through faith. The Old says salvation is by faith yes, but it's also by our good works.

The New is a heart-appreciation of the love (agape) which constrains to perfect heart obedience (2 Cor. 5:14, 15). The Old is egocentric "trust" motivated by hope of reward or by fear of punishment.

The New Covenant is everlasting; the Old is dispensational.

The New produces "under grace" motivation; the Old, "under law."

The New is represented by the miracle birth of Isaac; the Old by the lustful birth of Ishmael.

The New is seen in free-Sarah's pregnancy "by promise"; the Old, in slave-Hagar's pregnancy.

The New is justification entirely of grace; the Old is justification by obedience.

The New is righteousness by a faith "which works"; the Old is righteousness by "sanctified" works; we help save ourselves.

The New wants Christ to return for His honor and vindication; the Old, for our own reward, "so we can go home to glory."

[More on the Covenants tomorrow.]

Copyright © 2009 by Robert J. Wieland.

Be sure to check your e-mail for "Dial Daily Bread" again tomorrow.