Monday, August 03, 2009

Dial Daily Bread: Confused by "Righteousness by Faith"?

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread,"

Are you confused by conflicting ideas of "righteousness by faith"? Many are! It's quite likely that preachers, theologians, writers, have muddied the waters for you. Try reading the naked Bible. Yes, reading it, not merely listening on the radio or on tapes to some preacher read it whose voice betrays his own confusion or hard-heartedness (one who reads the Bible in public [or on a tape] must humble his/her soul before God before daring to do so). Here's a brief suggestion: try reading the Gospel of John. (We who try to learn New Testament Greek usually begin there, for John's Greek is the most simple of any New Testament writers.) But before you open the Book do offer a sincere prayer that the same Holy Spirit who inspired the apostle will condescend to inspire your mind and heart to grasp what he writes--then you and John will be kneeling together at the throne of grace!

If you have been afraid to read the naked Bible for fear you will be misled (yes, there have been fanatics!), make a choice to believe what the Saviour of the world has promised: "Ask and it shall be given unto you. ...What man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? ... Your Father which is in heaven [will] give good things to them that ask Him," not fanatical or poisonous ideas (Matt. 7:7-11; Luke explains those "good things" to be the Holy Spirit, Luke 11:13). It's a healthy thing to be afraid of fanaticism! Plead with the Father to save you from pride, for fanaticism is spiritual pride. A good, healthy prayer to pray daily is in Romans 12:3, "not to think of oneself more highly than [one] ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith."

Now, with confidence that the Father is not teasing you but that He respects your humble prayer, start reading John. Remember, no commentaries for now, maybe later. (If you can kneel while you read John, good.) By the time you get to John 3:16, much of the confusion will be cleared out of your mind, like sunshine after a storm. You will see that it is God's job to tell you Good News, and it is now your job to believe it (that's the same as exercising that "measure of faith" God has already given you; and lo and behold, what happens? Righteousness by that faith; yes, willing and happy obedience to all the commandments of God--reconciliation of your alienated heart to Him and to His holy law. Another word for that? Salvation.

Be sure to check your e-mail for "Dial Daily Bread" again tomorrow.