Monday, December 15, 2008

Dial Daily Bread

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread,"

I have discovered that my laundry lady is a child of God. At some time in her life she responded to what she heard in her soul as the call of God, and she gave her heart to the Savior.

He heard her prayer of commitment and gave her the assurance that the Savior of the world had died for her also; she never mastered all the fine print of stratospheric theology, but she knew in her soul the truth of what Christ accomplished for the world, not merely offered to us; He had taken upon Himself her sins and had paid the penalty of her sins. Her response from then on was deep heartfelt thanksgiving.

She shares with the Virgin Mary the conviction that her lot in life is a “low estate” (see Luke 1:48). But there is a blessing therein—anybody who is willing to humble his/her soul and confess that his deserved place in God’s kingdom is a “low estate,” will share the blessing that the Virgin Mary received when she confessed that humbling truth: the Lord “regarded” her “low estate” and He will “regard” yours, too. That means that He will add His blessings of happiness to your “low estate.”

The Virgin Mary confessed her “low estate,” but her Son, the world’s Savior, shared our corporate “low estate” with us. In becoming one of us, incarnate, He laid aside the prerogatives of His divinity and took upon Himself our fallen, sinful flesh. That does not mean that He became a sinner—a billion times no! He lived a life of perfect righteousness “in the likeness of [our] sinful flesh” (Rom. 8:3, 4) and demonstrated to the world and to the universe that for a human to “have” sinful flesh does not mean that he/she must give in to its clamors.

The Lord, before He gave up His last breath on Calvary, could see and understand that someday He will have “144,000” (not a literal but symbolic number) of people on earth who will honor Him before the world and the universe by living a life of righteousness in that same fallen, sinful flesh.

This will be the successful victory of “the great controversy between Christ and Satan.” My laundry lady is one who shares the joy of Christ’s victory.

Be sure to check your e-mail for "Dial Daily Bread" again tomorrow.