Thursday, November 13, 2008

Dial Daily Bread

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread,"

There is a prayer that we can pray that the Lord will always answer with His enthusiastic “Yes!”

It’s when we ask Him for some bread of life to give to someone else:

(a) The story is in Christ’s parable of Luke 11:5-13.

(b) You have been suddenly awakened at midnight by a dear friend who has come on a long journey.

(c) He is hungry.

(d) Your pantry is empty, not even a loaf of bread.

(e) So, you go bang on the door of your sleeping neighbor: “let me have three loaves of bread, not for myself, but for somebody else: a friend has come on his long journey and he is hungry. I am asking, so I can give to him.”

(f) Your selfish neighbor doesn’t want to help you; he and his children are deep in sleep; but you keep on banging on the door. You don’t stop.

(g) Finally, so he can get rid of you he gets up and gets you the bread you are asking—for someone else.

Jesus told the story to illustrate what the Lord is NOT like: He loves to give when we need something to give to someone else. Even at midnight.

We become an essential part in His great plan of redemption for this lost world. We learn to participate by experience in His love for lost souls. Our naturally selfish heart has become awakened to the experience of His heart, which is love (agape).

Now we are one with Him; we have become reconciled to Him. We are at one with His heart of unselfish giving.

There is no greater joy in life. Come!*


* Please read that last page of the last book of the Bible—Revelation 22.

Be sure to check your e-mail for "Dial Daily Bread" again tomorrow.