Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Dial Daily Bread

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread":

The suicide bombers are still at work in the Middle East, the
insurgents still creating mayhem in Iraq, but now the stories are off
the front page and inside. All thoughtful people have pondered another
quiet terror troubling our souls: the possibilities of ending up like
Terri Schiavo--maybe before even getting old. The life insurance
companies have been keeping rather quiet; their money isn’t what we
would want most.

But there is a Life Insurance Policy not only offered us but urged upon
us, yes, even given to us for the “receiving” (look at the “receive” in
Rom. 5:17). The most precious New Covenant is the out and out promise
of God that “thou shalt BE a blessing” as well as receive a blessing
from Him (Gen. 12:1-3). In other words, to the one who like Abraham
“gets out of [his] country, and from [his] father’s house, unto a land
that [God] will shew [him],” in other words gets out of “Babylon,”
God’s solemn promise is that he/she will always bring happiness to
someone else. Giving it will be much more fun that getting it!

A vegetable like existence in immortality is not the goal; to “BE a
blessing” requires an active mind and a warm heart plus a knowledge of
God as the Giver of Good News for every human soul (Ashley Smith had
some for the murderer who burst into her apartment). Abraham believed
those New Covenant promises in Genesis 12; now as a child of Abraham,
you have inherited them. That means you are a stream of living water or
at least a rivulet of it, however tiny; the little fountain deep in
your inmost soul will never run dry (see John 7:37-39). And the command
of Jesus to His disciples is to you; of those whom He will always send
to you, He says, “They need not depart; give YE them to eat” (Matt.
14:16). He will multiply the “bread” in your very hands! But you must
eat it first; start studying that Word today.

Be sure to check your e-mail for "Dial Daily Bread" again tomorrow.