Thursday, June 19, 2008

Dial Daily Bread

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread":

The Bible specializes in Good News which is “the power of God unto
salvation” (Rom. 1:16). There is power in the word itself, as there
is in the seed that sprouts. Those who wait for the second coming of
Christ will demonstrate that power so fully that their message will
“lighten the earth with glory.” The message itself, not their
personalities nor any goodness in themselves, will call believers to
“come out of Babylon, My people,” and honest-hearted people will
respond to the “voice” from heaven (see Rev. 18:1-4). Nothing will
be able to hold them back from stepping out boldly to honor Christ in the
closing work of the gospel.

The message will be proclaimed not just by one or two super-gurus, but
by a multitude of voices all over the earth. God can use people trained
in literary institutions provided self is humbled and crucified with
Christ so their ministry draws listeners to Jesus and not to
themselves, but often self has gotten in the way and marred the
picture. Baal worship has delayed the finishing of God’s work in the
earth--the worship of self disguised as the worship of Christ. In the
last great work as the truth is proclaimed powerfully, God will use
humble people who are called from “the plow” as Elisha was called
(1 Kings 19:19).

What will bring about this great development? The Bible is clear: the
experience of justification by faith, which is the same as the
experience of righteousness by faith. The faith itself will “work by
love,” the love of Christ (Gal. 5:6), not our own love. There will be
no self-righteousness in this wonderful work that lightens the earth
with glory. When self is laid aside, gets out of the way, the cross of
Christ can be uplifted clearly, because self will be “crucified with
Him.” Then He will “draw all unto [Himself]” (John 12:32).

Be sure to check your e-mail for "Dial Daily Bread" again tomorrow.