Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Dial Daily Bread

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread":

What do you do when everything has gone against you, and it seems that every evil angel is seeking to discourage you?

Our Sabbath School Lessons this new quarter are about that problem; and those who follow Jesus “wherever the Lamb goes” (cf. Rev. 14:1-5) will all know experiences like that. As surely as the Lord Jesus loves us individually, personally, and intimately, so surely does Satan hate those who respond to Christ’s love. So don’t be surprised, Peter says, if such troubles come to you (see 1 Peter 4:12-17).

Instinctively your heart cries out, “O Father, Father ... !”

And right there you have the grandest encouragement under heaven: that is proof that the Father has already adopted you as His child! Yes, turn to Romans 8:14-16:

Verse 14: who only is being “led by the Holy Spirit;” only those who are “the sons of God.”

Verse 15: you have already received by faith the “Spirit of adoption.”

That is why when troubles and disappointments and heartache come upon you, your first response is to cry out “Father, Father ... !”

Now Paul says, when you cry out “Abba, Father,” that is your assurance that He has adopted you!

In the original language, “Abba” is the cry of a baby; our baby cries, “Baba,” meaning “father.” The “ba” syllable is a universal baby-cry; no other consonant is so easy for a baby to utter with the “a” sound than “b,” and “a” is also the easiest vowel to mouth.

If when trouble comes, your first reaction is to blame someone else, stop right now and humble your heart before the Lord and ask Him to convert you (He will!). According to that passage from Paul’s Romans 8, you don’t have to compose an involved prayer: just say “Baba, Abba, Father ... !”

The cry of your heart is a prayer in itself, and the Holy Spirit will take, Paul says, and fill in the blanks that your tongue can’t yet utter; but nonetheless, your guardian angel carries all the news to all the heavenly host that you are now an adopted child of God the Father.

Yes, lift up your head. No moping around, from now on.

Be sure to check your e-mail for "Dial Daily Bread" again tomorrow.


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