Friday, September 28, 2007

Dial Daily Bread

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread":

Because of immigration and the high birthrate of Muslims in the Netherlands, serious thinking people realize that in a few years the Netherlands (and much of Europe) will be virtually Islamic.

In what is a sincere effort to achieve a religious peace, some seriously propose that we drop our word “God” and substitute the word “Allah” for Him. After all, in Arabic the very word for “God” is Allah, whether you are Muslim or Christian; Allah is the name for God in the Arabic Old Testament and in their Arabic New Testament.

Muslims in Europe would be delighted for us to do that because the change would be virtually an abandonment of Christianity and an adoption of Islam instead.

There is a wide gulf between what the Bible word for “God” means and what “Allah” means.

“God” in the Bible means the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ; this truth is anathema in Islam.

“God” in the Bible is Himself love; love is not merely an attribute of God, one of His many characteristics; “God IS love,” says the statement in First John that is the highest point of inspiration in all the Bible (4:8).

“Love” is not mentioned in the Islamic Fatiha in its description of Allah. “Love” is a word that is out of place in Islamic thinking. The biblical idea of love is the gospel in a word; when the apostles fanned out to proclaim the gospel of Jesus, their enemies accused them of “turning the world upside down” (Acts 17:6); but they couldn’t do that; it was their message that did it And the message of the apostles was encapsulated in their one Greek word translated in our Bibles as “love (agape), but it meant infinitely beyond what our common word for love conveys.

Agape is the word that describes the self-sacrifice of God. “God so loved [with agape] the world that He gave His only begotten Son,” and the giving was for eternity, and it went even as far as hell. When the Son of God hung on His cross of shame and cried out in heart-rending agony, “My God, why have You forsaken Me?” He was “tasting death for every man” (Heb. 2:9), even “the second death” that is described in Revelation 2:11 and 20:12-19.

Islam knows nothing of this revelation of truth; honest hearts there are waiting for someone to tell them.

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