Friday, July 06, 2007

Dial Daily Bread

A prince in Israel, Herbert E. Douglass, has just passed his 80th and of course there was a celebration of family and friends. Your servant was invited to be present; he greeted the guest of honor as “spring chicken,” because, well, he has just turned 91.

The two of us are privileged to be among that select few who still serve the Lord as best they can in the rarified Mt. Everest atmosphere of their 80’s and 90’s. Are we few seeking to be among that special company who will welcome the return of the Lord Jesus as Paul describes them in 1 Thessalonians, “we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord”? ( 4:15). No, that could be arrogance; and that would be inappropriate for elders.

But let’s confess the truth: we do cherish what Titus 2:13 says is “the blessed hope.” We two, apparently, though far separated in youth, have both cherished it since we were about 12 when we individually unknown to each other were baptized into the fellowship of the church that professes to look for Jesus’ second coming.

Your servant was privileged to say a few words in the august gathering, from his now rather exalted status of an older birth date by a bit more than a decade. Remember, guest of honor, that Moses was 80 when he began his life work; the dear Lord has granted you a clear mind and a warm heart of love for “the truth of the gospel” (Gal. 2:5, 9). Don’t lay down your pen; let the Master quicken you and nerve you to speak to the hosts of Israel. Some will enter the Promised Land; don’t hesitate to hold your place among them as the Lord shall direct.

It’s always exhilarating to stand in defense of truth when it seems that all around you forsake it and would humiliate you for taking an unpopular stand. Douglass stood tall and erect in defense of this unworthy servant one day some 40 years ago in a committee of revered theologians and church administrators who were severely hostile; they smelled blood—this writer stood poised to be expelled from fellowship in the ministry by the loss of ministerial credentials when in a real sense Douglass saved his “life” (a pastor/missionary’s “life” is his career of ministry).

The end is not yet; there are a few more steps to the summit and the atmosphere gets more rare each new day. Whoever you are out there somewhere around the world who reads this trivial daily contribution, you can help; you are important. You can pray.

Please do.

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