Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Dial Daily Bread

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread":

Meet Mr. Bezaleel, someone you probably don’t remember. He stands as one of the worthy members of the cast of heroes in the Bible story, but he gets neglected. He didn’t kill a Goliath as David did or tame lions in their den as Daniel did, but he was as blessed as they were with a special gift of the Holy Spirit that needs recognition today.

Mr. Bezaleel was gifted by the Holy Spirit in ways that we don’t normally recognize as His gifts: he gets a significant write-up in the Bible with his genealogy as a craftsman working in gold, silver, bronze, wood-carving and the like. But he is designated as being “filled with the Spirit of God” (Ex. 35:30-36:2). We have been naïve in assuming that the Holy Spirit blesses only (or mainly) with spiritual knowledge—that it’s on a higher plane of living. “Every wise hearted man in whose heart the LORD hath put wisdom” is on the same level (36:2).

Mr. Bezaleel can be the patron saint of all who have developed a special intricate expertise in a profession that is a blessing to life on planet earth, the “knowledge [that] shall be increased” promised to Daniel (12:4).

So, the gentleman who takes my crumpled Passat and makes it look new again (in Nairobi we call such, “panel beaters”), who has given him that skill? Exodus 35, 36 says, “the Holy Spirit.”

The physician spends long years memorizing all the little bones and nerves in your body, studying how diseases work, that he might be a blessing to you; the Holy Spirit gives him that skill. The rich man is not to “glory in his riches” (Jer. 9:23), neither is the physician to glory in his skill, but that he “understands and knows Me,” says the Lord, that I am “love” manifested in constant “lovingkindness.” Thank God when you are healed; it was really “the Great Physician” working through His servant (who may not even know who he is).

Be sure to check your e-mail for "Dial Daily Bread" again tomorrow.


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