Sunday, May 13, 2007

Dial Daily Bread

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread":

What is the basic, bedrock difference between the Quran and the Bible? To the superficial reader, both “holy books” in their common versions use Elizabethan English, “thee” and “thou,” etc. But of course that’s a trivial detail; that’s as unimportant as the color of one’s dress.

Both books say some good things; so do the Upanishads, and the Bhagavad-Gita, the Hindu “scriptures.” Most of the world’s non-Christian “holy books” say good things, and claim inspiration.

But is there a fundamental difference with the Bible?

Yes, but it’s often overlooked by those who say they love the Bible, and maybe it’s not their fault; it’s possible it has been kept from them:

Both the Old and New Testaments teach an idea totally absent anywhere else: a love that has dimensions undreamed of by humanity—it’s agape in the Greek New Testament. It’s the story of the Son of God who descended from heaven to become a true human being, forever (yes, given to us forever!) taking upon Himself all the liabilities of fallen humanity yet living therein a sinless life of self-emptying love; self-emptying to the point of “the death of the cross” which entailed pouring out the last drop of His life (Phil. 2:5-8). For Him, the “death of the cross” meant enduring the Father’s eternal wrath against sin which meant the end of existence. He gave Himself to hell in His love for fallen humanity (cf. Acts 2:26, 27).

This very idea shocked those who heard the apostles proclaim it. The idea of agape turned the world upside down (cf. Acts 17:6). It catalyzed humanity; no pagan religion had dreamed of it. It still catalyzes us today! Some question its reality: how could Christ have died our second death if He was resurrected? His being devoid of any self-centered hope whatever is a “big idea” too big to fathom. Laodicea seems unable to grasp it. Every lamb that was sacrificed at the Passover died forever; none was resurrected. Jesus gave Himself to become the Lamb of God; that too was goodbye forever so far as His commitment meant.

Such agape is the central and unique idea of the book we call the “Holy Bible,” regardless of the diction its translators may use. Angels wonder at it; do we, as yet?

Be sure to check your e-mail for "Dial Daily Bread" again tomorrow.


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