Sunday, November 05, 2006

Dial Daily Bread

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread":

Someone says, Yes, God considered this girl Rebekeh to be Isaac’s wife long before she knew of him because Eliezer prayed for God’s guidance to lead him to the girl whom “Thou hast appointed for Thy servant Isaac” (Gen. 24:12), and he later realized that this girl Rebekeh was the one (vs. 44).


But how do we know that God is as careful and considerate for us ordinary humans as He was for Isaac? Does He regard every girl as Mrs So-and-so yet-to-be, so having sex with her is already adultery? Does He respect every boy that highly?


Because of His love (which is agape), God respects us humans far more than we respect ourselves! He considers us as “sons of God” (1 John 3:1), and children of Abraham on a level with Isaac (Gal. 3:8; 4:6, 7). As high as heaven is above earth, so high is His ideal for each child.


If by the grace of the Lord teens can see what the crucifixion of Christ was like, how the Jews and the Romans degraded His physical body, crucifying Him naked, yet this hated, abused, despised Man was the divine Son of God, they will begin to know a sacred reverence for the human body which is “the temple of God” (1 Cor. 6:19. 20). Sexual intimacy before marriage is not true friendship—it’s a violation of the dignity of God; that’s what the crucifixion was.


Every human being is sacredly created by God, and his/her maleness or femaleness is specifically “in the image of God”(Gen. 1:27). That’s why Proverbs says that “whoever touches her shall not be innocent”(Pr. 6:29) and since “there is neither male nor female, you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal. 3:28) it makes just as much sense to say that whatever girl “touches” a boy in the same way “shall not be innocent.” Pre- or extra-marital sex (and foreplay) “is a deep pit; he [she]who is abhorred of the Lord will fall there” (22:14).


But the Lord loves people whom He “abhors,” because His abhorrence is not for them personally, but for the sin that they fell into. King David fell into that “deep pit,” and he tasted its horror. The Lord “brought [him] up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set [his] feet upon a rock and established [his] steps” (Psalm 40:1-3). Ask Him; He will do the same for you.

Be sure to check your e-mail for "Dial Daily Bread" again tomorrow.


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