Friday, June 02, 2006

Dial Daily Bread

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread":

(a) The world is living in God’s grand Day of Atonement (Dan. 8:14, etc).

(b) There is danger that modern “
Israel,” the Lord’s church, may repeat the history of ancient Israel’s Baal worship in the days of the prophet Elijah.  This would necessitate Elijah being “sent” to us again.

(c) The need for “Elijah” is unprecedented, for we are living in the time when the Lord Jesus Christ wants to come in His second coming.  He has to come for He promised to do so; but He doesn’t dare come personally until His people are ready lest they be consumed by the “brightness of His coming” (2 Thess. 2:8; sin cherished deep cannot endure His personal presence; those who cling to it perish with it).

(d) Now is the greatest problem the Lord has had since the flood of Noah. “As the days of Noah were,” says Christ, of today (Matt. 24:38, 39).

(e) Hence the need for “Elijah” to be “sent.... lest [the Lord] smite the earth with a curse”(Mal. 4:5, 6; in the Bible, God takes the blame for what He does not, or cannot, prevent). The “curse” would be the transformation of the planet into one vast “
Baghdad” or “Darfur.” Continued moral degradation leads to something like that.

(f) “Elijah’s” work is to “turn hearts” of family members—miracles of much more abounding grace (cf. Rom.
5:20). Almost everywhere one turns there are divorces developing, even in the Lord’s church. Jesus asks a pathetic question, “When the Son of man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8). Well, yes, some....

(g) But how can a church proclaim a message that “lightens the earth with glory” (Rev 18:1-4) unless it demonstrates those miracles of grace in “turned hearts”?

(h) Elijah’s patience lasted three years and a half; then came the final test at
Carmel and the Brook Kidron for those who persisted in unbelief.

(i) But oh, wait.... God will again send the “fire from heaven” at the new “
Mt. Carmel,” unmistakable evidence of grace abounding.  The last thing God wants is another Brook Kidron!

(j) Thus He will hide “judgment,” lest the sound of its approaching footsteps may conquer by fear the heart that must be won only by love.

(k) That’s why Jesus says “they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day” their probation closed in Noah’s day (Matt. 24:38). “Good times” will continue alluring,  deceptive, right up to the day our probation ends. We must not expect the Lord to force us into His kingdom.

Be sure to check your e-mail for "Dial Daily Bread" again tomorrow.


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