Monday, January 16, 2006

Dial Daily Bread

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread":

Conservative, thoughtful Christians world-wide recognize that the Song of Solomon (SS) belongs in the Bible. They see that it is quoted in the New Testament—yes, even by Christ Himself, and that this fact seals its legitimacy in the Bible.


The most poignant story in the book is that of the Lover (Christ) coming to the woman whom He loves (His church), knocking on her door to be let in, and being callously denied and rebuffed (SS 5:2-6). It is now recognized that Jesus quotes from this passage in His appeal to the seventh church of Revelation 3:20—Laodicea. This is the meaning that permeates Christ’s last Letter to His people.


The lady so loved has already gone to bed; it’s rainy and cold outside (this is made plain in vs. 2), so it’s also chilly inside and she is too snug and warm and cozy in bed to want to bother to get up and let him in (vs. 3).


In the Septuagint version, the divine Lover keeps on knocking persistently. He is lonely, He longs to be with her, to consummate their love; she alone is the object of His love. He offers Himself to her, but she disdains Him. She is thinking only of herself and her own selfish ease in bed.


When she comes to herself and realizes what has happened, she is ashamed, thinks at last about Him, gets up to let Him in; but when she does open the door at last, He is gone.


Could it be that across the span of centuries the church must look and look for Him—for that sweet and intimate union once corporately despised (vss. 6-8)?

Be sure to check your e-mail for "Dial Daily Bread" again tomorrow.


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Robert J. Wieland's inspirational "Dial Daily Bread" phone message is available via e-mail to anyone who wishes to receive a daily portion of uplifting Good News. "Dial Daily Bread" is FREE. Due to travel or other circumstances, there may be intervals when "Dial Daily Bread" will not be sent.