Friday, November 18, 2005

Dial Daily Bread

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread":

Unhappy France figures large in Bible prophecy. The Revelator John saw “the seven angels who stand before God [to whom] were given seven trumpets” (Rev. 8:2). The successive blowing of those seven trumpets marks seven great epochs in world history since the time of Christ. Thoughtful students of the Bible and history recognize today that we are living in the time of the blowing of the seventh trumpet (11:15-18).


For hundreds of years Protestant scholars have seen that the 5th and 6th trumpets (9:1-12, 12-21) depict the rise and progress of Islam as a divinely permitted scourge of the apostasy, backsliding, and worldliness of professed Christianity (“Babylon is fallen,” 14:8). Under the blowing of the sixth trumpet John traced the blessed work of devoted messengers of God who “prophesied.... clothed in sackcloth” during the 1260 years of the Dark Ages and preserved for our day the truths of the Old and New Testaments (the Bible)—people such as the Waldenses (11:3-6).


As the end of those 1260 years approached, John saw the Reign of Terror that engulfed France which precipitated the rise of militant atheism and Communism. It was the French Revolution which tried to destroy the Bible (vss. 7-10). Even the time for the duration of the Reign of Terror is specified (vs. 11), and the subsequent rise of the British and Foreign, and American, Bible Societies is seen and the resultant age of enlightenment (vss. 11, 12).


When “the seventh trumpet [is] sounded,” all Heaven rejoices (vss. 15-18). Now Daniel is “open” after being sealed for millennia (Dan. 12:4) and the glorious truths of “the everlasting gospel” proclaimed worldwide will prepare a people to “follow the crucified Christ [the Lamb] wherever He goes” and meet Jesus happily when He returns (14:1-15).

Be sure to check your e-mail for "Dial Daily Bread" again tomorrow.


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