Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Dial Daily Bread

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread":

We read that God the Father so loved this world that He gave (not merely lent) His Son “that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). Now, a question: would He be content that the message of this Gift should be so distorted and misrepresented that Christ would be deprived of His power to save people FROM sin?


Suppose millions, yes billions, of lost humans should hear only the news of a “Christ” who could not “condemn sin in the flesh” of mankind? That would result in the widespread idea that “the righteous requirement of the law” cannot “be fulfilled” in people who think they are believing in Jesus; it would lead to the teaching that it is impossible for humans like you and me who have been born with a sinful nature to “condemn sin” in our fallen nature, and it would mean that we cannot “overcome even as [Christ] overcame” (Rev. 3:21). Conclusion: we must conclude that we are unable to resist the alluring temptations of sin. In other words, nobody can become “perfect in character” as Christ demonstrated perfection of character in the fallen, sinful flesh which He “took.” To state this widespread false doctrine another way: it ends up with the idea that transgression of the seventh commandment is impossible for ordinary virile people to avoid. So, therefore, “abstinence before marriage” is also impossible. And in places like Africa you just have to live with lethal AIDS proliferating unless you saturate the continent with condoms and expensive drugs. Indulgence just has to be accepted as unavoidable.


This is what happens: “Christ” belongs in stained glass windows in the cathedral, not in the truck drivers’ stops or in the schools where the teens are overwhelmed with sexual allurement. Just be sure you keep your ongoing sins confessed; and when you die you’ll be saved. Is there anywhere a church proclaiming the true Christ clearly and unitedly?

Be sure to check your e-mail for "Dial Daily Bread" again tomorrow.


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Robert J. Wieland's inspirational "Dial Daily Bread" phone message is available via e-mail to anyone who wishes to receive a daily portion of uplifting Good News. "Dial Daily Bread" is FREE. Due to travel or other circumstances, there may be intervals when "Dial Daily Bread" will not be sent.