Saturday, August 06, 2005

Dial Daily Bread

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread":

We just happened to turn the TV while CNN was covering the Air France Airbus plane crash in Toronto. As we watched the fireballs and the black smoke, I said to my wife Grace, “We are probably watching hundreds of people die.” And we imagined ourselves passengers. Then a bit later when the AOL computer news said there were “No fatalities!” I thought it must be a mistake--but thank God! there was not one fatality!


We had just been reading for our “family worship” the book of Acts, and Luke’s account of Paul’s shipwreck--probably the most famous transportation-disaster story in history, known worldwide (Acts 27). The number of passengers and crew was similar--276 (Acts 27:37) with 309 on the Airbus. Again, they all (but Paul!) expected to die, and again, there were “no fatalities!” Again, the vessel was a total loss with everything on board (vs. 22). Probably there will be books written about this Air France crash and we will hear stories of passengers who prayed for God’s protection.


What is amazing in the Acts story is how this one man on board who at Corinth “was weak and trembled all over with fear” (1 Cor. 2:3, TEV) and was one of the Roman prisoners whom “the soldiers made a plan to kill...... in order to keep them from...... escaping” (vs. 42), was nerved by the Holy Spirit to become the man in charge of everything, directing the “army officer,” all “the soldiers,” “the sailors,” the captain, and everybody else. Because Paul was an openly acknowledged servant of His, “God in His goodness to [him]...... spared the lives of all those who [were] sailing with [him]” (vs. 24). Perhaps the Lord again had a faithful praying “servant” on board that doomed Airbus. Often the Lord has spared the lives of many who do not recognize Him because of the faithfulness of a few who do.

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