Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dial Daily Bread: "Come, Enjoy My Banquet!"

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread,"

I’m sure that everybody who “dials daily bread” is very busy. Many of us are desperately struggling to keep our nose above water economically, trying to make a decent living, support a family, educate our children in Christian schools, pay the bills (including the medical and dental ones), keep the old car going, all the while still trying to discharge our church fellowship duties. Doesn’t Paul warn us that if we don’t take care of our own family, we are worse than infidels (1 Tim. 5:8)? In order to avoid Paul’s condemnation of us as “infidels,” in many homes both husband and wife work in the market place.

Does the Lord know all this and understand how busy we are? How does He expect us to balance all these insistent demands on our time? Part of the answer is in Proverbs 9:1-6, where Wisdom is personified as a woman. But good evidence tells us that this is a personification of Christ as the Holy Spirit. Listen! Verses 1-3: she has built a beautiful mansion and prepared a marvelous banquet of all the finest gourmet foods imaginable. Verse 3, last part: then she goes out to the main streets of the city and stands in the most prominent places and cries out to all the hungry, busy, hard-working, and pleasure-seeking crowds passing by, “Come to My banquet, enjoy My gourmet food. It’s all ready for you! Just come!” (vs. 5).

You can’t drive down the freeway without seeing all the huge billboards everywhere advertising this or that. Experts tell us that a business must advertise in order to survive. Is God advertising? Proverbs 9 says YES! You can’t go through a day without hearing that cry at the busiest crossroads of the city—“Come, enjoy My banquet!”

Seriously, does God love you THAT much? Or is His place of “business” unadvertised, some tiny little hole in the wall on some dark, unknown side street? Does He just leave you to yourself, busy, swamped in all the busy-ness of your life that you must take care of, telling you, “Take-it-or-leave-it! And if you don’t take it, too bad for you!” No, Proverbs 9 tells us that the Holy Spirit is shouting in your ears day by day; come, enjoy His banquet. “Come unto Me, “ says Jesus, and “rest.” (Matt. 11:28).

Be sure to check your e-mail for "Dial Daily Bread" again tomorrow.