Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Dial Daily Bread

Dear Friends of "Dial Daily Bread":

That grand day when “Jesus stood and cried out” so all the world could hear Him (and heaven too), “If anyone thirsts, ... come to Me and drink,” He knew that some people are not “thirsty.” Even He cannot force them to drink. They go through life bereft of a drop of the “water of life.” They may be billionaires, but don’t envy them.

There’s much being said in the media about how important it is to drink more water for our health. We should drink it even if we don’t feel thirsty, doctors tell us. Maybe we can learn to develop a thirst mechanism that will keep us healthy (!?).

Suppose you’re not “thirsty,” but in cold logic you sense that you are spiritually dry; you know that your heart is onto worldly pleasure, self-seeking, empty vanity: can you make a life choice that involves doing what Jesus said—“come to [Him] and drink” even if you don’t think you feel like it?

You cannot save yourself; and no, you cannot come to Him on your own for He said, “No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him” (John 6:44). The “drawing” is a very real tug on your heart; the Spirit of God is active. He is working even when you wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat after a disturbing dream; “come” right then! Get out of bed onto your knees and thank Him from the depths of your soul that it was only a dream.

I dreamed one terrible night that I had been unfaithful to my dear wife who was sleeping beside me; I remember the moon was shining full in the window; I just got out on the floor and poured out my unworthy heart in profound thanks to the Savior that the dream wasn’t real. You read about people who never stop thanking and praising the Lord; well, I’m one. It’s my eternal choice. Isaiah reminds us that we don’t “own” an iota of character perfection; “their righteousness is of Me, saith the Lord” (54:17).

Yes, begin where you are with a prayer of thanks that you have been saved from a hell on earth; just that, nothing more profound. (It’s the truth!) That will be for you the beginning of eternal life “in Christ.” That choice will be “the right action of your will,” for it will make an entire change in your life, for eternity.

Be sure to check your e-mail for "Dial Daily Bread" again tomorrow.


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Robert J. Wieland's inspirational "Dial Daily Bread" phone message is available via e-mail to anyone who wishes to receive a daily portion of uplifting Good News. "Dial Daily Bread" is FREE. Due to travel or other circumstances, there may be intervals when "Dial Daily Bread" will not be sent.